Independent Auditing Service

The advantages of independent auditing

1-The companies’ fiscal tables get an international validity and by this way helping the owners join other markets globally.
2-Inspects the company financially and highligts if there are any parts that need to be corrected.
3-The possibility of fraud among the staff is narrowed down to a minimum point.
4-Inspected fiscal tables lead the owners of the company to the correct path when decision making is necessary.
5-Helps the accounting department to have minimum mistakes on the financial records.
6-Increases the level of trust to fiscal tables which at the same time reflects the financial situation of the company.

About us

Our company has the licence to make independent auditing. Our services aim to meet the formal needs of our clients and  increase their productivity levels. The ways we do this process are parallel to international basis and standarts. Our reports are submitted to our clients both in Turkish and English.

Our main office is in istanbul. We also have a branch in the capital city, Ankara.

Auditing types

1-Auditing of fiscal tables
2-Auditing of appropriateness
3-operational auditing

Our services:

1- We check whether the information in the fiscal tables of our clients are appropriate according to the standarts determined by the ministry and if there are any mistakes in the reports,we inform our clients and correct these mistakes.
2- We prepare financial reports in relation to the criteria in ihs 4410
3- We audit the remainig figures in the bank accounts at end of a  fiscal year.
4- In accordance with the related regulations,we prepare reports that will be attached in the files when a company demands concordatum.
5- We change fiscal tables written in Turkish lira into foreign exchange in accordance with international financial reporting standarts.
6- We establish in house control systems or make alterations in already existing systems for the use of our clients.
7- We prepare company evaluation forms as well as productivity assestment forms.
8- We care about works to be done on stock management.
9- Auditing and prevention from errors or intentional mistakes and giving legal help are our responsibility
10- We write reports for big firms or group companies by preparing fiscal tables.
11- We prepare monthly or yearly reports to be given by big firms to the headquarters.
12- In case of alienation,merging and seperation,special auditing services are given.
13- Reorganization process is taken care of.
14- Due diligence works are carried out
15- Sector analysis,target company investigation and financial situation activities are done.

Our techniques:

Indepedent auditing companies like ours use different techniques to collect efficient information that will help us to reach concrete solutions for our clients.these are :

1- Physical auditing technique:this technique is used to confirm the existence of items such as the existence of staff.
2- Confirmation technique:this is a process to be used for confirming of the information presented indirectly by the third parties.
3- Recalculation technique:this represents of confirming numerical correctness of documents given.
4- Auditing of documents:this is a process of going over documents and reports that are presented paper based or e-based especially useful when checking contracts,reciept and cheques

5- Collection of information; this is a widely used technique that represents collecting financial or not financial information from sources outside  the firm .
6- Analytical auditing technique:this technique involves comparision financial data that are in hand and evaluation of them.