Income and Corporate Tax Return and Financial Statements

Tax payers who are obliged to  submit annual tax refund forms as well as  income forms can get them approved to a certified public accountant along with attached fiscal tables.

According to the related law,those who wish to do so ,do not need these forms to be approved by a freelance accountant.This approval process consists of preparing reports for approval and getting them signed by a certified public accountant

The purpose of doing so is to examine the correctness of the amount of the tax to be paid just as in the examination process carried out by the tax department.For this reason,the certified public accountant needs to use any documents that the customer has

In this respect, cross checking and reassestment with the companies at the other hand ,searching possible cutbacks for the sake of the taxpayer ,keeping the records of the expenses are all under the liability of the accountant.

Information letters which are to be prepared by the company are examined in order to prevent any possible difficulties.

In recent years,taxpayers to be investigated are determined according to risk analysis studies. Except mentioned services additional services are also given such as keeping tax amount at a reasonable level, searching any advantages for the company as far as regulations are concerned and informing the customer about the new taxation  rules.

Our company has been giving these services more than 10 years.